Sweet Potato Noodles with Spinach & Feta

I’ve been a fan of zoodles (noodles made of zucchini) for a while now. I started swapping out regular pasta for zucchini noodles about a year ago when Mike and I tried to skip carbs the entire month of September but still wanted to continue our Sunday tradition.

coffee in bed.

Sometimes the smallest things can feel like the biggest luxuries! For example coffee and breakfast in bed. It is something that doesn’t cost any extra money or require a lot of effort, but it is something I never do unless on vacation.

Cacao Boost Breakfast Bowl

As much as I love my poached eggs in the morning, I also can’t get enough of breakfast bowls. Whether they are fruity smoothie bowls, a deep purple acai bowl or a warm quinoa bowl, they are a great way to start the day. 

eat beautiful.

I am not typically a person who actually reads cookbooks. I buy them according to recommendations and then occasionally flip through them when I am in the mood to try a new recipe.

RECIPE: acaí bowl

Anything and everything cool or new usually takes a while to make an appearance in Vienna. While I had my first acaí bowl in California years ago and even got lucky in Berlin and Munich last year, I have yet to find one in Vienna.

TRAVEL: breeze

Over the years, I am sure that most of you have gotten the hint that I am quite the foodie. Mike and I love a good meal more than most things, and definitely up our monthly expenses with lots of edible things.

HEALTHY LIVING: one vegan day.

As you’ve probably guessed right, today’s post is a mini (vegan) food diary. Even though I am far from being vegan, I do think there is a great deal of importance on eating and consuming food consciously and skipping the meat every once in a while (#flexitarian).