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Twenty Goals for 2020

2019 was not my favorite year. But it was one of the most important ones so far. It was a year of change, endless learnings, self-reflecting and set-backs that turned into relief. 2019 was necessary to set the path for all the goodness 2020 has in store for me, for us. Today, I am thankful for all of the lessons the past 365 days have taught me. I excited for a new day, a new year, a new decade.

It is not January 1st anymore, but close enough. The year has started out slow as I ease back into my own rhythm of things. Which has been the perfect setting to figure out what I want for the future. I have written down my hopes and dreams – not with a question mark or an “if” attached to them, but rather with certainty and determination. I have high expectations for 2020, but I know it is my own responsibility to chase after those dreams. To create the life I want for myself!

photography by Eileen Jordan

goal setting for 2020 - Bikinis & Passports

Goal Setting for 2020:

  • more sleep: Sleeping 5-6 hours per night is not cool. It is also not a sign that you are busy or important. Sleep is directly related to mental health and this year a regular sleep cycle will be a main priority for me.
  • more sunrises! I want to sleep more, but I also want to see more sunrises. I am a true night owl (and very productive after dark) but find early mornings incredibly inspiring and energizing. In 2020 I want to see more sunrises and have more time in the mornings that I can dedicate to myself.
  • happy home, happy heart: We live in a stunning apartment and could not be happier. However, sometimes it takes me days or weeks to empty a suitcase, put away the laundry or sort through stacks of paper that miraculously collect on our kitchen island. Which bothers me. Hence, I need to change that for a happier home and happier heart.
  • back to blogging: Looking back on 2019, it is hard to believe that there was a time when I would religiously publish 4-6 blogposts per week (!!). In the past year, one post per week was the best I could do, sometimes it was weeks before I shared more. But I miss it and want to change it.
  • one task after the other: Right in this second, there are 21 tabs open in my browser. A fairly good visualisation of my brain. I pride myself on the skill of multi-tasking, but find myself overwhelmed by it most of the time. This year, my goal is to be more productive by doing less. Which brings me to my next goal…
  • shorter to-do lists: I am the queen of writing to-do lists. In the past, I was convinced a to-do list always needed to be longer than what you could realistically finish in one day, in order to push yourself. Fact is, never ever finishing a to-do list causes more frustration than motivation. From now on, I want to create realistic to-do list with a focus on important tasks and feeling accomplished at the end of the day when I close my laptop.
  • time management: I am the queen of procrastination. I never miss a deadline, but I always wait until the last second to get stuff done. Which is a major stress factor in my life. Caused by me, and only me. New year, less procrastination!
  • delegating: Self-employment has always felt natural to me. In school and college, I always hated group projects because I was afraid other’s wouldn’t do the job with the same effort I would have. For my business, I have always done everything myself and it has been incredibly hard to give certain tasks into the hands of others. However, in December of 2019 I took on my assistant from 8 hours per week to 20 hours. It is not only a financial commitment, but also one to growth. She is no longer an assistant but plays more of a strategic roll. I need to learn to delegate work to those who are qualified and to trust others and their skills.
  • more IGTV videos! Tell me in the comments what you want to see.
  • trust your gut: I have always been pretty good at trusting my gut, but started to question my own decisions in the past year – with good reason. Not listening to my gut feeling in the past year (or two) has been the root of some of my biggest worries. No more of that!
  • invest time in friendships: For the past 7 years, I have worked side-by-side with my best friend. Since 2014 we sat across from each other at our desks in the office. It is a privilege I have always treasured but also took for granted at times. Now, that she has embarked on a new (additional) adventure, we don’t see each other every day anymore. I miss her. Nothing has changed about our friendship, but 2019 showed me that it takes effort and time. Like most other people, we now need to schedule time together. In 2020, I want to call, text and hang out with those that matter to me more often and more intentionally!
  • books! In 2020 I want to read at least 10 books. Reading used to be my biggest passion as a young girl but got lost somewhere between school and college. Inspired by Carola, I want to find my way back to regular reads.
  • travel to 3 places I have never been before. With Oman, Greece (Athens, Mykonos, Milos) and Vietnam at the very top of my personal travel bucket list.
  • visit my grandparents in Stuttgart at least twice this year.
  • journaling! Many sleepless nights, worries and a head full of overwhelming thoughts in 2019 have made me realize I need to find an outlet and a safe haven for those thoughts and worries. Many people close to me have suggested journaling, which I am starting today!
  • meditation: In April of last year, Mike and I did a 30-day meditation challenge and absolutely noticed the difference it made for our mental well-being. In 2020 my goal is to start more days with meditation (preferably in combination with those sunrises I mentioned above).
  • curated wardrobe: When I launched my brand, VIKTORIA LOUISE, my vision was to create pieces you could basically wear anywhere for any occasion. I want to find and make pieces that are versatile and true wardrobe staples. Hence, my mission for 2020 is to really focus on those pieces for my own closet and to create a more curated wardrobe.
  • home-cooked meals: Mike and I both love to cook, but somehow we got sucked into a delivery-to-go-restaurant-dinners spiral. In 2020 I want to spend more time in our own kitchen again.
  • no more meat! Those that follow me (and my meals) on Instagram have not seen a piece of meat – or even a slice of bacon for that matter – on my stories since last February. I stopped eating meat on my 30th birthday. According to my personal research, the meat industry has the biggest impact on planet earth. Not just greenhouse gases but also land and water use. I know I fly a lot for work (and leisure), I know I own brands that are part of the fast fashion industry and I know I drive a car. However, this is where I chose to start. Every effort matters and after almost 11 months without meat, I now dare to publicly state that I will not eat meat in 2020. I have alway been a believer that leading by example is better than telling others what they need to do. However, I do want to make note of how easy it has been to say no to meat this past year. I still eat fish or a piece of cheese on occasion, but in our society, with such a huge diversity of food, skipping meat is done at absolute ease. Try a week, month or maybe even an entire year. It is not hard, trust me!
  • random acts of kindness: during the holidays, as I was heading to the ticket counter to purchase my ski pass, a stranger approached me. He asked if I was planning to buy a day pass. “Yes?!” I looked at him confused. He went on to hand me his with an explanation “I am not feeling well and heading home, I thought you could use this instead of spending the money.” I was so taken aback by his kindness, that I promised myself to pay it forward with random acts of kindness towards strangers.


  • Sally
    5 years ago

    Good start on 2020 dear Vicky!
    I love your personal goals, they are very inspiring, I also think a lot how to really start 2020, it is certainly a big step to be self-employ and sometimes I feel overwhelmed. But your list really inspire because more than business goal are many personal well being goals which I love.

    Whish all the best

  • Frieda
    5 years ago

    Super schöner, inspirierender und auch motivierender Post <3

  • Stefania
    5 years ago

    I found this blog post so interesting and so inspirational. Sometimes the simple things are the hardest to achieve. For me the 2019 was really a bad year but as you said, it’s up to me to improve the next one step by step , focusing on priorities . Regarding the IGTV I would like to see more posts about daily life, daily routine… even the simple thing like how packing my suitcase for holidays, what I put you put in your cart at the grocery to eat healthy….. something simple but at the same time intriguing to share .

  • Angie
    5 years ago

    YAY to more blogposts 🙂
    All the best for 2020, may your wishes come true !

  • Johanna
    5 years ago

    Finde ich alles tolle Ziele – und ich bin mir sicher, dass die Herausforderungen von 2019 nun in 2020 die Belohnung bringen werden.

    Als Empfehlung für ein Buch, dass mir die letzten Monate beim Thema more intentional wardrobe super geholfen hat, ist Curated Closet von Anuschka Rees. Und ich folge auf Instagram sehr sehr gerne Jamie Baron für alles zum Thema mindfulness, intentional time planning, journaling, etc. Vielleicht ja beides auch für dich interessant 🙂

  • Zina
    5 years ago

    liebe vicky,
    so schön geschrieben und sehr inspirierend. ich finde deine ziele total toll – down to earth 🙌🏻💛 wünsch dir alles liebe!

  • Dani
    5 years ago

    Hab deine Posts vermisst <3

  • Ana
    5 years ago

    I loved reading this, also I could resonate with some of the goals you set for yourself. The last one is especially beautiful and such an inspiration ✨
    One book that particularly helped me with sticking to my habits is ‚Atomic Habits‘ by James Clear.
    Wish you a great 2020, where every day and moment will be valued as a fresh start 💫

  • Mirjam
    5 years ago

    Hey Vicky, das sind sehr schöne Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr!
    Um Sunrises, Meditation, Journaling und die Bücher zu verbinden, kann ich das Konzept des Miracle Mornings von Hal Elrod sehr empfehlen! Das perfekte Rezept für einen inspirierenden Morgen!
    Viel Erfolg bei der Umsetzung und alles Liebe,

  • 5 years ago

    Super Beitrag Liebes, sehr coole Idee! <3

  • […] den Start ins neue Jahr noch leichter zu machen und meine Motivation anzukurbeln, habe ich mich von Vicky inspirieren lassen und meine 20 Pläne für 2020 aufgeschrieben. So viel sei verraten: Ich habe mir […]

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