RECIPE: healthy spring salad

One of my all-time favorite meals are salads. I think that I am blessed in a way that I actually prefer veggies over unhealthy things and even at a restaurant I usually find myself browsing the salads.

RECIPE: tuna poke

When Mike texted me yesterday, saying he’d make dinner, I didn’t know what to expect. Little did I know that he had an ace up his sleeve and he surprised me with amazing tuna poke.

Turkey Time

Some of you may have seen this photo on my Instagram account (@vickyheiler) on Sunday, where I told you that we’d be making our first turkey feast.

RECIPE: spicy pumpkin & carrot soup

Last week, a basket full of pumpkins, along with the new Braun Multiquick 7 immersion blender arrived at my door. While I was busy painting other pumpkins over the weekend, I finally got around to making a spicy pumpkin &