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Gluten-Free Coconut Banana Pancakes

Gluten-Free Coconut Banana Pancakes

When it comes to breakfast, I love alternating between sweet and savory dishes. For me, nothing beats a slice of toasted sourdough bread with creamy avo-mash and a perfectly poached egg on a Sunday morning. However, I also love porridge with berries, overnight oats or a chia pudding with some mango. What I don’t love are waffles, French toast or pancakes. Usually. However, my sister makes a mean pancake recipe that is nothing like other pancakes. Light, healthy and with that comforting banana-flavor they are perfect to impress your brunch guests or stack with a candle on top for the next family birthday.

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Gluten-Free Coconut Banana Pancakes
Prep Time 10 mins
Total time 20 mins

Author: Vicky Heiler
Recipe type: Breakfast
Serves: 2

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Last weekend, she came over to teach me how to make her version of the popular sweet breakfast dish, tweaked with coconut flour that I had wanted to give a try for a while now. The result: super fluffy moist pancakes that were a hit with everyone at the table. Which is why I have to share this gluten-free coconut banana pancake recipe with you today – just in time for the weekend!

Gluten-Free Cococnut Banana Pancakes Recipe | Bikinis & Passports


Gluten-Free Coconut banana pancakes

Gluten-Free Cococnut Banana Pancakes Recipe | Bikinis & Passports

  • 2 ripe bananas (1 per person)
  • 150ml milk of your choice (we used oat milk)
  • 3 eggs
  • 50gr coconut or regular flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • coconut oil (for the pan)


Stack those pancakes high!


  1. In a blender, combine the bananas with the milk to create a thick smoothie-like texture. This will be the base of your gluten-free pancake batter.
  2. Pour the mix into a large bowl and stir in 3 whole eggs.
  3. Next add the flour. The coconut flour is a little more grainy (less smooth) than regular flour and makes the batter a bit harder to handle in the pan but works just as well and gives the pancakes a slight coconut flavor, which I love!
  4. Last, add the baking powder to your mix and make sure everything is stirred in evenly for a smooth batter.
  5. To bake the pancakes, melt some (=half tsp) coconut oil in a suitable pan on medium heat. We used 2-3 generous tablespoons of batter per cake. Make sure to leave enough room in the pan to flip the pancakes.
  6. Once golden brown on both sides, the pancakes are ready to be served with toppings of your choice, such as shredded coconut, cacao nibs and fresh berries. Of course, maple syrup is also an option if you feel like indulging.

Looking for more healthy options to start your day? Be sure to give my sweet potato breakfast recipe a try. Or try my favorite porridge.

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  • Sandy
    6 years ago

    OMG your food styling is on point! I will definitely try out those pancakes, they look sooo delicious.


  • 6 years ago

    Omg, die schauen einfach so so so lecker aus, yummmm!!! <3
    Da freue ich mich gleich Mal aufs Frühstück!
    Liebe Grüße, Sandra /

  • Frieda
    6 years ago

    Ich habe mich letztens an einem ähnlichen Rezept probiert, bin aber am Kokusnussmehl gescheitert, weil die Pancakes einfach nicht fest werden wollten.

    Dein Rezept werde ich aber nochmal ausprobieren, die Bilder sehen sehr überzeugend aus 🙂

  • 6 years ago

    Mmmh die schauen so lecker aus! Probier ich gleich mal aus! Wie immer sind deine Fotos so schön! Like it a lot!

    LG Sophie

  • 6 years ago

    These look so delicious! and easy to make!! I can’t wait to try!!

  • […] options to start your day? Be sure to give my sweet potato breakfast recipe, favorite porridge or gluten-free coconut banana pancakes a […]

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