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breakfast & lunch spots in Paris

breakfast & lunch spots in Paris

If you visit Paris, the typical croissant and café au lait is more or less obligatory at some point during your trip, but for most days, I personally prefer a bowl of granola with almond milk, eggs and avocado toast or porridge. Luckily, there are plenty of amazing options for a healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris! By now, SEASON Paris has become a real favorite (especially on Instagram during Fashion Week) and Ob-La-Di is great for a quick coffee or breakfast. Both were our go-tos in Le Marais last year in Paris, but this time around Kathi and I decided that we only wanted to try places where we had never been – and which we had never seen on Instagram.

So where to go for breakfast & lunch in Paris?

healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Marcelle | Bikinis & Passports

Wild & The Moon

During the cab ride from the airport we were starving and frantically searching the web for a healthy lunch place in Paris when we stumbled across this article in Vogue and read about Wild & The Moon. Fresh juices, homemade kale salads, avo toast (which was sold out when we were there), quinoa bowls and healthy treats got our attention and the location in our favorite neighborhood, Le Marais, was the cherry on top.

Even though it was almost 3pm when we arrived, the place was buzzing – probably a given when Vogue decides to feature you. It is not the cheapest and I could’t get myself to spend the 9€ for a large juice, but the options are all vegan and super delicious. We ended up spending around 22€ per person for a bowl, small juice or flavored water, shared power balls for dessert and a chai latte/golden latte. Everything tasted incredible and the location in Le Marais is the perfect starting point for a stroll through the neighborhood.

Boutique-café: 55 rue Charlot, 75003 Paris – Tel +33 (0)9 51 80 22 33 – open 8am to 7pm daily, 9am to 7pm weekends

healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Wild & The Moon | Bikinis & Passports healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Wild & The Moon | Bikinis & Passports breakfast & lunch in Paris: Wild & The Moon | Bikinis & Passports healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Wild & The Moon | Bikinis & Passports breakfast & lunch in Paris: Wild & The Moon | Bikinis & Passports healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Wild & The Moon | Bikinis & Passportsbreakfast & lunch in Paris: Wild & The Moon | Bikinis & Passports breakfast & lunch in Paris: Wild & The Moon | Bikinis & Passports breakfast & lunch in Paris: Wild & The Moon | Bikinis & Passports healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Wild & The Moon | Bikinis & Passports


For day 2, we made it to an actual breakfast and not a 3pm lunch. This time the newly opened Marcelle on Rue Montmartre was our breakfast spot of choice. It is literally one of the cutest places I have ever been, and could just as well be located somewhere in Australia by the beach (not that I’ve ever been to Australia – but that’s what my imagination says). Lots of white, natural materials, homemade granola and almond milk that will rock your world and super, super friendly service! The menu is not huge, but you’ll find everything you need and for lunch there are always weekly specials.

Coffee-Bakery-Kitchen: 22, rue Montmartre, 75001 Paris – Tel.+33 (0)1 40 13 04 04 – open 8am to 6pm daily, 9am to 6pm weekends

healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Marcelle | Bikinis & Passports healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Marcelle | Bikinis & Passports healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Marcelle | Bikinis & Passports healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Marcelle | Bikinis & Passports healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Marcelle | Bikinis & Passports healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Marcelle | Bikinis & Passports healthy breakfast & lunch in Paris: Marcelle | Bikinis & Passports

Ober Mamma

This was a recommendation from my sister, who ate at Ober Mamma during her last trip to Paris. They don’t take reservations, but the girl at the reception of our hotel told us to just stop by for lunch. The restaurant opened at 12:15pm, we showed up at 12:34 and scored the last (!!) seats at the bar. Apparently we were not the only ones who thought their food was bomb dot com. Authentic Italian pizza, truffle pasta, rosé wine, a healthy salad for our conscience followed by Nutella pizza (yes, you read that right) had us rolling out of Ober Mamma 2 hours later with the biggest smiles on our faces! Mike was in Paris last weekend with his boys and I told them to go eat there – they loved it just as much as we did! Definitely on of the best lunch spots in Paris, if you ask me!

Forno a Legna & Cocktail Bar: 107, Boulevard Richard Lenoir, 75011 Paris – open 12:15pm to 2:15pm for lunch, 9pm to 1am for dinner

best lunch spots in Paris: Ober Mamma Italian Food | Bikinis & Passports best lunch spots in Paris: Ober Mamma Italian Food | Bikinis & Passports best lunch spots in Paris: Ober Mamma Italian Food | Bikinis & Passports best lunch spots in Paris: Ober Mamma Italian Food | Bikinis & Passports Ober Mamma Paris Nutella Pizza | Bikinis & Passports

What are your favorite breakfast & lunch spots in Paris? 

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  • 8 years ago

    Thanks for sharing this lovely spots! I do plan of going to Paris in the near future (early Summer, fingers crossed)and I’ll save some time (and space in my tummy) to pay a visit to Ober mamma! It looks insane!

  • 8 years ago

    Aww, these images look amazing – particularly the very last one…. so yummy!
    I have a confession to make, usually when i go to a place I like to get lost in it, totally emerging off the internet and then discovering on my own. However, when browsing other blogs, I love how I could somehow just be there at this places with others… not sure you understand my contradiction.. 🙂
    xx finja |

  • Gabriella
    8 years ago

    Definitely need to save these! The last time I went to Paris (years ago!) I could not believe that we weren’t able to find any good cafés. I felt like the only thing I was seeing was Starbucks – and they were the cheapest at that! It’s such a bummer when you don’t know any great food and café options whilst exploring a city. So these are definitely going on the list! 🙂

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      I get way too into finding cute places haha I spend hours researching – so hopefully you’ll love these as much as I did!

      xox Vicky

  • Angie
    8 years ago

    Liebe Vicky, ich lebe in Paris und lieeebe Obermamma, East Mamma.. Jedes Restaurant der Gruppe ! Wenn ihr Frühstück genauso liebt wie ich dann kann ich euch das Big Love Café von Big Mamma empfehlen. Avocadotoast mit italienischen schinken, nutellapizza… einfach der beste spot meiner meinung nach 🙂

  • 8 years ago

    Puh, 22€ pro Person finde ich schon etwas teuer (vor alles wenn ich die Portionen in den Fotos sehe) aber immerhin ist es Paris und wenn das Essen auch schmeckt, dann lohnt es sich auch einmal zu gönnen. Alle drei Lokale schauen super cute aus und ich glaube ich werde den Post auch mal speichern, für wenn ich demnächst in Paris bin <3

    xoRosie // Curvy Life Stories

  • Sylvia
    8 years ago

    Oh so lecker! Sich den Post vor dem Mittag anzusehen war aber eine schlechte Idee. Ich verhungere!

    Liebe Grüsse

  • Mimi
    8 years ago

    Liebe Vicky,
    Toller Post!! Ich fahre in 2 Wochen nach Paris und werde auf jden Fall diese Locations besuchen. Höchstwahrscheinlich auch das Hotel Providence buchen (major crush).
    ALSO danke für die super Inspiration an Euch zwei.

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      Ohh wie cool! Perfektes Timing würde ich mal sagen 🙂

      Ganz viel Spaß in Paris und lass mich dann gerne bei Gelegenheit wissen wie du die Tipps so fandest!
      xox Vicky

  • 8 years ago

    Super schöner Beitrag, ich fand schon das Video auf TDD toll! 🙂

    Alles Liebe,

  • Marco
    8 years ago

    hallo Jungfer, dein Profil solltest du nicht so oft fotografieren. es ist einfach nicht schön!

    • B
      8 years ago

      ??? Bisserl daneben Dein Kommentar.

  • 8 years ago

    Wooooow, das hört sich ja meeega gut an!!! Ich sollte bald nach Paris fahren, denn das Essen dort ist der absolute Hammer! 22 Euro pro Person ist zwar sehr sehr viel, aber ich denke, dass es sich sicher auszahlt. Die Salate sehen besonders lecker aus, du hast mir ein bisschen Lust darauf gemacht. <3
    Sandra /

  • 8 years ago

    Wow was für ein toller Guide Vicky! Meine letzte Paris Reise ist jetzt genau ein Jahr her, aber alleine wegen diesen tollen Locations muss ich dringend ein Flugticket buchen. Haha!
    Ein Favorit von mir ist das Frenchie to go.

    Alles Liebe
    Lis |

  • 8 years ago

    Oh diese Spots schauen allesamt richtig toll aus *-* Ich hoffe, dass ich es ganz bald mal wieder nach Paris schaffe und dann möchte ich diese Spots unbedingt austesten <3
    Liebst Kathi

  • 8 years ago

    Oh das klingt so lecker und sieht so schön aus! Ich hoffe ich komme demnächst nach Paris um alles zu testen 🙂
    Liebe Grüße
    Céline von

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