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tips for creating a mindful morning

tips for creating a mindful morning

When I think about my days, weeks and months – which are hardly ever the same, but always exciting – the thought of a routine, or at least building blocks of a routine brings me comfort. At times, a routine is frowned upon. For example, relationships are supposed to stay exciting forever, we are told that we shouldn’t get stuck in a routine. At work, they will tell you that you start overlooking things and making mistakes when things become too much of a routine, too much of an automated series of events that we go through on a daily basis. To me, however, a routine is luxury. Doing the same things over and over again, investing time and effort to keep certain parts of my day the same, is something that makes both my body and my mind feel at ease. To me, a routine is something beautiful. Just like a relationship only gets so much more beautiful as time goes on and the support, trust and love for each other become part of a routine. Something we can’t imagine our days without anymore. Because really, that’s what a daily routine is. A tool for us to navigate, to find our way and to find comfort. Just like we find comfort in that familiar first cup of coffee every day. Now that’s a routine we can all relate to, right?

How to: Creating a mindful morning routine | Bikinis & Passports

I didn’t make any big resolutions for 2018, but I did share some personal goals with you. Remember?
I made plans to work on my punctuality, to declutter (physically and mentally) and be offline more often. Offline in the sense of not being connected to the internet, but also offline in the sense of being away from work. In theory, I can be online and offline at the same time. For example, browsing Pinterest on a Sunday morning while drinking my americano = offline. Doing emails on a Sunday = online.

In short, my goal was simply to be more mindful and not forget myself along the way. That’s why I have made use of these first 3 months of the year to make a few adjustments here and there to help me slow down, to be more present, to have more energy and to feel more in sync.

When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.

I am a strong believer that mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. And I also believe that being mindful can help you feel happier, more energized and balanced in life. That’s why I have teamed up with Nespresso today, so share a few ideas and tips for creating a mindful morning routine with you.

Mindful Mornings with Nespresso:

Want to know more about my morning routine, my take on mindfulness or how I like my coffee? Then be sure to tune in to the Nespresso Coffee Talk podcast below. (German)

  • Be Present, Be Mindful! “Meditation can be defined as a practice where an individual focuses their mind on a particular object, thought or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.” I don’t meditate (yet). I love the idea, I have tried, but I have also failed (=fell asleep every time). I still need to practise more, but for the time being, I can live with the fact that my personal take on meditation is simply trying to be more present. To only focus on one thing at the time. To do things with more intention.
  • Offline: No phone until 9am. Yes, I use my phone as an alarm. But I try not to be on Instagram, Facebook Messenger or my inbox anymore until 9am, which is usually when I get to the office. I am making an effort to make “being home” be about re-charing and being there with myself or my partner, rather than about work. Especially first thing in the morning!
  • Declutter/Cleaning: Even if it is just one tiny corner of the apartment or giving the flowers fresh water – something that will add to my happiness when I come home from work. A routine that I started years ago is that I always (!) make the bed including the throw and decorative pillows. It is the last thing I do before leaving the house and a good way to officially start the day. It is almost therapeutic. Plus, going to sleep in a made bed is so much better. Clean space = clean mind.
  • Oil Pulling: My newest addition to my morning routine is oil pulling (with coconut oil). It takes about 10 minutes, during which I am completely silent (no surprise here with a mouth full of oil) and usually focus on prepping my breakfast. Time invested in myself.
  • Walk, walk, walk: Rain or shine (well, more shine), I walk to the office. It takes me 15 minutes door-to-door, which is the perfect amount of time to be alone with my thoughts for a little longer, get my blood flowing and soak up some fresh air before work. Even if you can’t walk to work, I would highly suggest incorporating walks into your daily (morning) routine. They give me so much peace and leave me feeling great without wearing me out as much as a workout or run would.
  • Mid-Morning Coffee Break: Last, but most certainly not least, I have gone from having my first cup of coffee at home in the company of an overflowing inbox to “saving” it for work. I absolutely adore our new office and all the inspiring ladies in it. That’s why nothing is quite as motivating as gathering around our Nespresso machine and chatting with the girls before tackling the days to-do list. My go-to coffee? The Fortissio Lungo or Linizio Lungo, served as an americano (= long black).

How to: Creating a mindful morning routine | Bikinis & Passports

Fun Fact: it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months to make something a habit. Start today and don’t give up. Before you know it, it will be a habit!

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  • 6 years ago

    So ein toller Beitrag! <3 Ich versuche die Tage, an denen ich frei habe so sehr wie möglich zu genießen und möglichst entspannt in den Tag zu starten. Das gelingt mir mit Yoga, Kaffee, Podcast und gutem Frühstück.
    Liebe Grüße, Sandra /

  • Lili
    6 years ago

    Hallo Vicky,
    welches model ist deine Closed Hose?

    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Das ist die Skinny Pedal Pusher 🙂
      xox Vicky

  • Julia
    6 years ago

    Toller Post❤️ Woher hast du den Sweater:)?

    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Der ist von The Reformation – hab ich mir vorletzte Woche in LA gekauft 🙂
      xox Vicky

  • Vanessa
    6 years ago

    Mal wieder ein tolles Beispiel dafür, wie schön man Kooperationen umsetzen kann. Danke liebe Vicky für die Mühe, die du dir gibst, man merkt es!

    Der Nespresso Kaffee gehört für mich auch zu einem idealen Morgen, zuhause genauso wie im Office. Obwohl wir eine Siebträgermaschine im Büro haben, greife ich doch lieber zu Nespresso 😉

    Hab ein schönes, entspanntes Wochenende 🙂

    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Liebe Vanessa,
      danke dir für das nette Kompliment <3 das freut mich unheimlich!
      Und Kaffee am Morgen ist einfach: hachhhh!
      xox Vicky

  • Nessa
    6 years ago

    Hey Vicky,
    ganz toller Post. Ich liebe auch meinen Nespresso am Morgen und versuche so gut wie möglich abzuschalten und eher zu lesen, als im Handy zu stöbern.

    Ich weiß, über Größen spricht man eigentlich nicht, aber ich würde mir auch gerne eine Closed-Jeans bestellen. Als Referenz, welche Größe wählst du immer? Sind die true to size?

    Danke dir und LG

    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Hallo liebe Nessa,
      danke dir für das liebe Feedback zu dem Beitrag. Und ich spreche übrigens sehr gerne über Größen 🙂 Mir macht das absolut nichts aus – hauptsache die Sachen passen. Welche Nummer im Etikett steht ist mir dabei egal 🙂 Bei den Closed gibt es ja nach Modell unterschiedliche Nummerierungen. Ich trage in der klassischen Pedal Pusher eine 40 (fängt glaub bei 38 an) und bei der Cropped Pedal Pusher mit dem Hohen Bund und der schwarzen Skinny Pusher eine 26. Normal hab ich 27 aber man muss die Closed Jeans wirklich super knackig eng bestellen!
      Hoffe das hilft dir!
      xox Vicky

      • Nessa
        6 years ago

        Liebe Vicky, vielen Dank für deine ausführliche Erklärung. Das hilft mir wirklich sehr 🙂


  • Verena
    6 years ago

    Hallo Vicky, ein wahnsinnig toller Beitrag, der mir als Leser einen wirklichen Mehrwert bietet! Danke für den wunderbaren Content den du produzierst, es macht richtig Spaß deine Beiträge zu lesen. Du bist wirklich eine der ganz, ganz wenigen Bloggerinnen die es schafft Kooperationen stilvoll umzusetzen. Werbung und Mehrwert für den Leser perfekt vereint – so sollte es sein! Nochmal vielen Dank dafür 🙂 xx Verena

    • VICKY
      6 years ago

      Awwww! DANKE dir, dass du dir extra die Zeit genommen hast diese lieben Zeilen zu hinterlassen. Das freut mich wirklich unheimlich und ist alles andere als selbstverständlich.
      xox Vicky

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