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The Lash Lift

If you have been reading this blog for longer than five minutes, you will probably know that I am all about a natural approach when it comes to my daily make-up routine. I don’t like to spend the majority of my morning in the bathroom (I’d rather be munching on breakfast instead) and I don’t feel the need to cover up my freckles with endless layers of foundation. However, I still want to look my best. To me, it is all about finding products or techniques that allow the canvas to be as good as possible and then adding a little something here and there, wherever necessary. If I had to sum up my make-up routine in five steps, it always comes back to the following: tinted moisturizer (or cc cream) with SPF, bronzer, brows, lipbalm and a hint of mascara. The latter of which brings me to today’s post about lash lifting, aka the possibility to further reduce my daily do while still looking the part.

Lash Lifting Vienna: Envy Studio Vienna - Bikinis & Passports

What is Lash Lifting?

In short, a lash lift is a perm for your eyelashes. Remember how our moms used to get those crazy perms back in the 80s and early 90s? Curls for days, that would still be there after washing the hair? Combine that with an eyelash curler and you’ve got yourself the simplified explanation of what lash lifting is. In a more detailed description, lash lifts use a 3-step process including chemicals to permanently uplift/curl your natural lashes.

How does a Lash Lift work?

1. you and your technician will decide on the shape (aka the drama) of the curl to fit the shape of your eye and length of your lashes.

2. once your lashes are cleansed thoroughly and separated from the bottom lashes using a gel eye pad, the silicone shield (= the curler) is glued to your upper lid with a glue that is similar to the one used to apply false lashes. The lashes of the upper lid are then combed up to take their shape and also glued to the shield using the same glue.

3. a perm solution (eye safe) is applied to go in and soften the bond of your hair so that it’s moldable into the desired shape permanently. this solution takes about 13-16 minutes to work. if a lash technician is talking about this step only taking 2-5 minutes, it means the perm solution (aka the chemical) is a lot more aggressive and can potentially ruin (break) your natural lashes. In my case, the perm solution was left on for approx. 14-15 minutes.

4. next, a setting solution is applied. this “locks in” the shape. for me, this step took 7 minutes.

5. to finish the process, a serum or nourishing lotion is applied, containing keratin and sodium PCA in it, to add moisture back in the lashes.

6. for more dramatic results, the lash lift is usually combined with a lash tint (coloring). I went with black.

All in all, the process takes about 1.5 hours.

Can you wear mascara after a lash lift?

Yes. For the first 24 hours, you should keep the lashes bare and away from water in order to let the curl fully set, after this period, you can use mascara, eyeshadow or liner just as you always would. However, the lift and tint makes it really easy to skip mascara because the bare lashes look so amazing already!

How long does a lash lift last?

Theoretically forever, but in reality 6-8 weeks. The lashes will always keep the curl, but of course the new lashes coming in do not have that same curl. It takes approximately 6-8 weeks for all of the lashes to be shed and replace.

Eyelash Lifting vs. Eyelash Extensions

I received many questions along the lines of “how many lashes did you get” or “it looks so natural, what type of lashes did you get”. The answer? None! Unlike lash extensions, a lash lift is nothing fake. All your own lashes, simply with a perfect curl that gives the appearance of a bigger eye and longer lashes. As some of you may remember, I used to get eyelash extensions (and was always super happy with the look). Unfortunately, after about nine months I started having super intense allergic reactions to the glue they used. Hence, I had to go without because 48 hours of puffy and swollen eyes were simply not worth it to me. This, however, is a perfect alternative with an even more natural look!

How much does a lash lift cost? Where can I get a lash lifting in Vienna?

Generally speaking, a (good) lash lift costs somewhere around 75 – 100€ depending on the studio. I got my lash lifting at Envy Studio in the 7th district and they charge 89€.


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  • 6 years ago

    Wow, das sieht Hammer aus!
    Richtig tolle Bilder liebe Vicky!
    Liebe Grüße, Sandra /

  • Verena
    6 years ago

    Sieht wikrlich toll aus! Natürlich und doch viel intensiver.
    Ich kann dir übrigens auch die “BrowBar” in 1010 Wien empfehlen. Dort hab ich mir mal die Wimpern curlen und färben lassen. Hat auch wirklich lang gehalten und gut ausgesehen.

  • 6 years ago

    Hey Vicky toller Bericht über lash lifting.
    Man sieht das man in dem Studio super aufgehoben ist, wenn man ein lash lifting haben möchte.
    Es wurde wirklich alles aus deinen Wimpern rausgeholt – lange Wimpern und voluminöse Wimpern – mehr geht ja nicht.
    Bin selbst Wimpernstylist in Salzburg und freue mich das in Wien auch so fein gearbeitet wird.

    Liebe Grüße,
    Tina von Wimpernverlängerung Salzburg

  • 6 years ago

    LASH LIFTING is the best thing ever

  • Michaela G
    5 years ago

    Ich habe es jetzt schon in 3 verschiedenen Studios machen lassen und ich habe noch nirgends mehr als €45,- bezahlt. ??

    • VICKY
      5 years ago

      Hi Michaela,
      hast du das in Wien machen lassen? Wo warst du denn da? Das Treatment bei Envy dauert über eine Stunde und hält ca. 6-8 Woche – dafür finde ich den Preis mehr als fair 🙂
      xx Vicky

  • 5 years ago

    was für perfekte wimpern du hast.
    ich liebe das lash lifting.

    franzi von powder brows

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