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Hotel Zoo

Berlin and I didn’t always have the best relationship. It took me a while to fall for the city and all it has to offer (especially when it comes to food). But once you find your way around town and get to know certain areas, it’s hard not to develop a sincere appreciation for the German capital.

While I usually stay somewhere in Mitte, I had heard so many great things about HOTEL ZOO BERLIN on the famous Kurfürstendamm, that I decided to venture out of my usual Berlin ‘hood during Fashion Week. Best idea ever! So here comes my Hotel Zoo review:

An old gem is polished.
HOTEL ZOO, the jewel of Berlin’s Kürfürstendamm from the 1920s to the 150s, shines brightly once again.
The perfect clash of history and modern age.

What I liked about HOTEL ZOO BERLIN

  • Interior: how could I not? Infused with New York flair and London townhouse elegance, I love how the old brick walls, super (super!) high ceilings are met by modern touches, lots of greens (hello palm leaves) and sophistication.
  • The bed: my sister and I stayed in a deluxe double room, and the bed is easily the biggest I have ever slept in. Wider than long and with 6 cloud-like pillows, we never even touched as much as an arm. Sweet dreams are a guarantee and room no. 528 is highly recommended.
  • Breakfast lover: it is hard to think back to a time where I left the house in the morning without having breakfast. That’s why now, I have all the more appreciation for a good hotel breakfast that includes a great buffet but also a la carte orders like eggs benedict, omelette (my go-to) and half and avo (cliché, but so good).
  • Location: for first-time Berlin visitors, Kurfürstendamm in the city’s West is definitely the place to be. Aside from the KaDeWe in walking distance and the famous Berlin Zoo is right behind the hotel (as the name would suggest), there are also plenty of bars and restaurants in close surroundings, as well as the Apple store right next door. Other cultural attractions include the Kaiser Wilhem memorial church and the restored Theater Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz. Both of which I have yet to visit.
  • Grace: The restaurant Grace, located on the ground floor of the hotel, Grace has become a popular destination since opening in 2015. Especially during Fashion Week, a lot of parties take place there, which is why we weren’t able to get a table until our last night in Berlin. But SO glad we did. I had one of the best salads I have ever had and Mike was super impressed with his rib-eye. The interior of the restaurant is great, just like the rest of the hotel, the service super friendly and the food was absolutely incredible – although I do want to mention that the prices are rather steep, especially for Berlin, but at least you get the quality you pay for!
  • What about the hair dryer? I failed you this time! Ever since I was gifted my Dyson supersonic, I have been bringing it everywhere with me. Which speaks for the supersonic, but makes it hard to give you feedback about the hotel’s hair dryer. In this case, I will lean out the window and place my bets on it being really good, especially since the hotel also provides it’s own line of hair care products (which I used and loved) and the bathroom was equipped really well otherwise.

What I would change…

  • Honestly, the hotel is amazing and a 100% worth a recommendation if you are looking for the best hotels in Berlin. The only thing I would have personally preferred was a tiny bit more light. As a huge fan of natural light (probably because it makes taking photos so much easier), I found the lobby and bar area to be a bit too dimly lit. But of course, that is just personal taste.

*thank you for hosting me during Fashion Week, HOTEL ZOO BERLIN. (Invitation)

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  • Birgit
    7 years ago

    das hotel sieht echt super aus und ich find auch die gegend rund um den kurfürstendamm ist super zum wohnen. als ich das erste mal in berlin war, haben wir auch in der gegend gewohnt.
    man bekommt gleich wieder lust nach berlin zu fliegen … vor allem weil es da echt das geilste essen gibt 😉 als ich das letzte mal mit einer gruppe von freunden in berlin waren, haben wir gefühlt nichts anderes gemacht als uns durch die stadt zu essen 🙂

    • VICKY
      7 years ago

      So geht es mir auch jedes Mal – es gibt einfach SO viele coole Lokale dort!

      xox Vicky

  • 7 years ago

    Also das Interior hat mich auf jeden Fall sofort gepackt und überzeugt – wunderschön einfach! Unser letzter Trip nach Berlin ist einfach schon viel zu lange her, wie gerne würde ich der Hauptstadt mal wieder einen Besuch abstatten!

    Liebe Grüße
    Luisa |Sparkly Inspiration

  • 7 years ago

    Woooow, das sieht sooo megaschön aus! <3 Echt tolle Bilder und super Eindrücke. Das musste ein sehr schöner Aufenthalt sein. 🙂
    Liebe Grüße, Sandra

  • Marija
    7 years ago

    The chandelier is beautiful! I would like to buy one for my house 🙂

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