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FOR THE HOME: how to style a sofa

Last week I showed you guys our bar tray, this week I thought it would be fun to share our sofa and how I have added to it over the past 6 months.

how to style a sofa

We have a big living/dining room (36 sq. meters) with an open kitchen, which I love SO much!! So the couch and living area really is a major focal point and it also happens to be the first thing you see when you walk into the room. Mike and I both wanted a big couch for the new apartment with enough room for both of us to lay on it. We chose the “DUNE” by Interio.

how to style a sofa 02

1.) I feel that one of the easiest ways to decorate are definitely fresh flowers. They add an instant freshness and pop of color to any room. I try to have some on the coffee table and dining table most of the time. Vase  and coasters from ZaraHome, candle holder from IKEA and the ash tray was a gift for Mike from my parents.

how to style a sofa

2.) Books make everything feel cozier and more “at home”. No matter if on your night stand, in the kitchen (hello, Jamie Oliver!) or on the coffee table: Books tell stories of what your interests are and are also great conversation starters. I like to switch between only displaying a current favorite and stacking lots of books on the coffee table.

Top to bottom: Domino – The Book of Decorating, definitely THE book to own in terms of decorating room by room // Making a House Your Home has a similar approach as Domino, but a bit more playful & less elegant // The Things That Matter – my personal favorite of 2012! Nate Berkus tells stories of people that have made a home for themselves and why things really do matter // Louis Vuitton & Marc Jacobs, one of those books that are simply gorgeous to look at & it also gives lots of interesting insight to Marc Jacobs as a designer.

How to style a sofa 04

Top to bottom: blue patterned pillow by Jiti Bedding via // off-white pillows (2) from IKEA // chevron pillows (2) in blues & greens by Jiti Bedding via // dark blue faux fur pillow from Interio // the big gray pillows came with our sofa from Interio

How to style a sofa: mixing pillows with patterns

3.) Colorful or patterend pillows are a major obsession of mine. I spend way to much money on those fluffy things (I think Mike will probably have a heart attack if I buy one more pillow) but it is so worth it to me. In my opinion, pillows really give character to the place. For mixing colors I try to stick to a certain range of colors (gray, blues and greens) that go well together. For the patterns don’t go too overboard, but try to focus on one smaller pattern in a basic color and one bigger pattern (ie the chevron) in different colors, as well as some basics (ie. the white and dark blue).

how to style a sofa: add a poof or sidetable

4.) Another great way to spice up the living area a bit and make it look more put together is by adding accessories, such as a fun side table with your favorite magazines, a big tray with candles on it or a poof. I decided to go for the poof in dark blue velvet from, it goes great with the gray, blue & green color scheme and is a fun element to add to the living room.

How to style a sofa

I found most of my inspiriation on Pinterest, The Glitter Guide (how to style a sofa) and The Everygirl (how to style a coffee table). Other than that our coffee table “Ally” and the faux fur blanket are from Interio, the lamp “Ludwig” is from ZaraHome and the storage boxes that the lamp stands on are from IKEA.

If you have any questions about certain items, feel free to post them in the comments.


  • 12 years ago

    Du hast wirklich ein großes Talent für Deko & Co. Sieht alles wunderschön aus. 🙂

    – Dani

  • Your living room looks amazing!!! I really like how you mixed elegance with comfort! Definitely going to take your tips when decorating my own living room =D


  • 12 years ago

    Tolle Geschmack und Stil! Schöne Farben! Viele liebe Grüße!
    Vanessa –

  • 12 years ago

    gorgeous pictures ! looks like straight out of elle decor ! xx

  • 12 years ago

    Hab mich so über diesen Post gefreut und es sieht einfach traumhaft bei dir aus! 🙂 lg

  • 12 years ago

    das mit den frischen blumen und den büchern ist wirklich wahr! geht leider beides nicht bei mir, da es die beiden kätzchen innerhalb von minuten hinunter werfen würden 🙁
    ps: der couchtisch ist ein traum!

  • Julia
    12 years ago

    Perfektes Wohnzimmer! Da freue ich mich noch viel mehr, unsere neue Wohnung im Sommer einzurichten, Ideen hab ich ja schon genug 🙂
    Toll wäre es, wenn du noch andere Räume eurer Wohnung zeigst, besonders würde mich ja die Küche interessieren.
    LG Julia

    • B.
      12 years ago

      oohhh jaaa, die küche wäre total spannend! 🙂
      toller post vicky!

  • 12 years ago

    sehr schön! mir gefallen so bunte kissen auf einfarbigen sofas total gut 🙂


  • 12 years ago

    Wundervoll sieht das aus. Leider brauch ich nochn paar Jahre, bis ich ausm WG-Alter raus bin. Und WG bedeutet nunmal billig und Kompromisse.

  • 12 years ago

    Sieht toll aus!! Wirklich schön!! Und das Dilemma mit den Kissen kann ich nur zu gut verstehn. Ich will ja gar nicht darüber nachdenken wie viel ich im letzten Jahr für Zierkissen ausgegeben hab!! 😉

  • Heidi
    12 years ago

    As an american considering moving to Vienna and aspiring blogger I love your blog. This I have to say is my favorite one yet!

  • 12 years ago

    Gorgeous photos and I want your sofa! I love cushions and colour ♥

  • 12 years ago

    that looks really nice

  • 12 years ago

    I love how your sofa looks. I wish I’d chosen a light colour for mine! I have never looked in Zara home but I think I need too. The vase is gorgeous!

  • 12 years ago

    Lush! Love it. Just goes to show the small things count. Zara home seems to be a hidden gem, seeing as it’s such a well-known clothes store how have I managed to miss it?!
    Check out my blog! Thanks, Jess x

  • 12 years ago

    Wow, your living room is so beautiful. One day, when I have a home/apartment/something that I own, it’ll look clean and fresh and homey, but for me that day isn’t any time soon.
    xo, Maria

  • 12 years ago

    Wow, your living room is so beautiful. One day, when I have a home/apartment/something that I own, it’ll look clean and fresh and homey, but for me that day isn’t any time soon.
    xo, Maria

  • 12 years ago

    Gefällt mir sehr gut 🙂 Toll eingerichtet!

    Liebe Grüße,

  • 12 years ago

    Is the small candle holder (Votive) also from IKEA?


    • vicky
      12 years ago

      nope, that’s from SEWA – I think it only cost 1€ 🙂

      xox Vicky

  • Bernadette
    12 years ago

    Das Sofa sieht super gemütlich aus. Kannst du sagen, wo du den tollen blauen Hocker gefunden hast? Genau so einen suche ich schon lange!

    • vicky
      12 years ago

      Der Poof ist bei bestellt. Leider sind die Sales dort ja immer nur relativ kurz, aber ich hab schon öfters so ähnliche Poofs gesehen 🙂 Kommt bestimmt mal wieder & gabs auch in 4 verschiedenen Farben oder so!

      xox Vicky

  • Diana
    12 years ago

    Lovely room, i think what´s missing perhaps is a rug to go under your cofee table to make the room more homey and “warm”. 🙂

    • vicky
      12 years ago

      yess, that is totally still on my to-do list 🙂 but I really want a certain look and can’t seem to find one that lives up to my expectations 🙂

      xox Vicky

  • 12 years ago

    Love the entire look. The blues look great togther, along with the prints and the accents you added. Great room!


  • 12 years ago

    That looks so cosy!

  • 12 years ago

    loved the post – very inspiring!! 🙂


  • 12 years ago

    Wundervoll. Gefällt mir sehr!

  • nina
    12 years ago

    Wow! Very tasteful living room.Love it!Can you make a post about your kitchen?:)

  • 12 years ago

    gorgeous pictures. so supper sofa.

  • 12 years ago

    Sehr schön!Hatte auch schon ganze Zeit Tulpen bei mir stehen, und die Tablebooks werten alles noch mehr auf!
    Kompliment für so viel Geschmack in so jungen Jahren von einer nicht mehr sooooo jungen begeisterten Leserein…

  • 12 years ago

    I love the mismatched cushions. Really cool.

  • 11 years ago

    Hi Vicky,
    ich bin absolut verliebt in komplettglas Couchtische und wollte fragen, wo Du deinen gekauft hast?
    Lieben Gruß

    • vicky
      11 years ago

      Hi Carina,

      der ist von Interio und heißt Ally oder so ähnlich 🙂

      xox Vicky

  • Mara
    10 years ago

    Liebe Vicky

    ein tolles Wohnzimmer hast Du, gefällt mir sehr!
    Ich wollte Dich betreffend der Sofa was fragen und zwar, stört es nciht, wenn die Rückenlehne nicht so hoch ist? Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem neuen Sofa und wie DUNE bei Dir aussieht gefällt mir sehr.. ich bin nur nich wegen der Rückenlehne sicher..
    Schöne Weihnachtszeit!

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