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BITS & PIECES: hello September

September isn’t really amongst my favorites months, as we officially have to say good-bye to Summer, but it also holds a few special dates, such as the anniversary with my favorite mister or his birthday. And as of this year, September will always be the month that Kathi and I officially got the keys for our first office. Sometimes it still feels absolutely surreal that we get to call this our life. I am so proud of everything we have accomplished during the last year and so excited for everything the future has in store for us. So here’s a little insta-recap from the past few weeks:

bits & pieces: hello september

Working from home definitely has it’s pros, but I am so excited about actually leaving the apartment in the morning from now on!

Chia pudding has become a favorite breakfast-option, find my recipe HERE:

bits & pieces: hello september

Got my brows done at the Benefit Brow Bar (at Douglas Kärntner Str.) and love the result!

bits & pieces: hello september

I decided to head home last weekend and spent a few much needed days with my parents and brother, nothing beats the comfort of my family:

bits & pieces: hello september

Figs are an all-time favorite of mine and I am so happy to finally see them popping up at the grocery store again:

bits & pieces: hello september

This stunning Bobbi Brown “smokey nudes” palette arrived last week and it was love at first sight:

bits & pieces: hello september

We teamed up with Fiona of FlowerUp for these amazing flower crowns to pretend like it is Summer a bit longer over on The Daily Dose:

bits & pieces: hello september

#GIRLBOSS: By far one of the best books I have read in a long time.

bits & pieces: hello september

Aaaand we finally got the keys to our TDD office – so excited to start moving in this week!

bits & pieces: hello september


  • Katharina
    10 years ago

    Freue mich so für euch!!
    Alles Gute nochmal zum Office, bin schon waaahnsinnig gespannt wie das Endresultat dann aussieht aber mit euren Geschmäckern kann ja nichts schief gehen.

    Ihr könnt wirklich sehr stolz auf euch sein!

    Xo kathi

  • 10 years ago

    Oh ich freu mich so für euch! Das ist so ein toller Schritt! Als langjährige Leserin fiebere ich richtig mit euch mit 🙂
    xoxo, Ronja

  • 10 years ago

    the flower crowns are beautiful and the view from the patios is amazing!

  • 10 years ago

    I’m the same, I have mixed feelings about September and especially since I tend to go on my “real” holiday summer break at the end of September. It feels everyone is out of the “summer mood” before I even had a chance to go. And then there’s the whole problem with starting to dress up for Autumn when you just know you need more summer clothes for your beach break. Oh well, there are worse problems to have in life 😉 xx

  • 10 years ago

    Oh ich freu mich so für euch! Das erste eigene Office ist wirklich aufregend! Ich hoffe ihr lasst uns ein bisschen am Einrichtungsprozess teilhaben? 🙂
    Ansonsten wirklich schöne Snapshots. Die Bobbi Brown Palette find ich traumhaft! Da ist keine Farbe dabei die mir nicht gefällt.
    LG, Andrea

  • 10 years ago

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu solch einem tollen Start in den September 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    Nochmal herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ihr dürft wirklich so stolz auf euch sein! Man fiebert richtig mit euch!


    A. von

  • 10 years ago

    Ich bin auch wahnsinnig gespannt darauf wie euer Büro aussehen wird, sehr sehr spannend!!
    Deine Eltern wohnen ja wohl mal traumhaft schön, wäre genau mein Ding!!!
    Liebe Grüße

  • Jodi
    10 years ago

    Woo hoo congratulations on the new office space! Also, love Benefit Brow Bar. I go to them in the States and I’m hooked. Check out their “Gimme Brow” gel — it’s the best. So many good updates here, thanks for sharing!

  • 10 years ago

    The Chia seed pudding looks super yummie and healthy, and I love the nude eye palette!

  • 10 years ago

    I’ve been meaning to read #GirlBoss but have yet to come around to it, i will definitely check it out now.

  • 8 years ago

    I LOVED GirlBoss! It was actually one of several books that I read when I decided to leave my 8-5 job and start my own Virtual Assistant Business!

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The Standard

If you have ever found yourself researching hotels for New York City, chances are pretty high that you have come across, or heard of The Standard High Line Hotel.

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