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CRAVINGS: so versatile

Versatile is always good, right? A dress that works for the beach, but can easily dressed up with heels and pretty jewellery, or a pair of shoes that can be worn to brunch with shorts, but also works for business meetings. I love things that are versatile – especially when traveling those are key-items to bring. One piece, lots of options! Which is exactly what this week’s cravings are all about: great items in your closet that will make your (fashion) life a bit less complicated.

Cravings: Versatile Pieces For Summer | Bikinis & Passports

1. Is it just me, or do all those pretty Summer dresses make it really hard to find a good bra? Like this one – such a pretty dress, but what do you wear underneath? In my case: nothing! But luckily I recently got the “glam curves forever” bra by Triumph, which is a tee shirt bra that comes with adjustable straps with multiple attachment points along the back and an extender that allows for conversion to a backless style.

2. I’ll admit it, I’ve totally fallen for off-shoulder carmen tops this season! I can’t get enough and ordered this top last week. BUT, I know I’ll get a ton of wear out of it. It will look super cute with a pair of cut-offs, but I think it’ll also work great with black skinny jeans and a pair of heels, right?

3. How cute is this dress (currently on sale for 22€!!)? Perfectly casual, but also girly and dressy when worn with a pretty clutch and some jewellery.

4. Last weekend, Kathi got these super cute lace-up flats in red for her birthday. I had no idea how versatile red shoes could be, until I saw her pair them with a white dress for a picknick, but also for the office with some skinny jeans and a blazer. Now I kind of want the glittery or black version!

*in friendly collaboration with Triumph


  • sallida
    10 years ago

    the blue dress is so extremely cute! i must have it!

  • 10 years ago

    Die Off-Shoulder Bluse ist der Wahnsinn – wunderschön 🙂
    xx Bettina

  • 10 years ago

    The Bra-thing: so true! I am going crazy searching for one that works for everything. I´ll never find one, I know. May be there´s a need for those self-adhesive ones but I can´t buy one… they just look like implants…
    Kali from Miss Bellis Perennis

  • 10 years ago

    Perfect wardrobe staples. Summer dresses but also the light tops with thin straps really give me a hard time when it comes to choosing the right bra,might be worth checking out triumph in the coming days.
    And I definitely wouldn’t say no to the glitter lace up flats either 😉

  • 10 years ago

    Nette Auswahl.. <3

    Liebe Grüße

  • Sparkle
    10 years ago

    How cute is that top?? I bought a similar one from Zara at the beginning of summer and I’ve worn it A LOT so far (and that is even an understatement!! ;-)) Im sure that it will look super cute on you.

    Also you made me super curious about that bra! Just this weekend I was super desperate for a bra like that! I was wearing a really nice neckholder dress and was desperate for something underneath (I ended up wearing a bathing suit top and entangled the straps into the dress somehow – not the best option as I was uncomfortable the whole night!! :-/) So I will check out that bra this week!:) Is it available in stores yet?

    Have a good day xoxo

  • 10 years ago

    Hui, die Sandalen gefallen mir besonders gut!
    Liebste Grüße

  • Geli
    10 years ago

    Hallo vicky.
    Das top sieht wunderschön aus! Wie sind deine erfahrungen mit shopbop? Kommt da noch zoll dazu? Hast du schon mal was retourniert?
    Vielen lieben dank, geli

    • vicky
      10 years ago

      Liebe Geli,

      ich hab schon wirklich oft bei Shopbop bestellt 🙂 In der Regel wähle ich immer “Shipping + Import Duties”, da wird der Zoll direkt beim Versand miteingerechnet und das Paket ist in 2-3 Tagen da. Retoure muss man international leider selbst zahlen. Wenn der Bestellwert recht gering ist, dann bestelle ich manchmal ohne Zoll vorab zu zahlen, weil’s dann teilweise so durchgeht.

      xox Vicky

      • geli
        10 years ago

        Vielen lieben dank für die schnelle Antwort!
        Was ist für dich ein geringer Bestellwert? unter 100 Euro?
        alles liebe geli

        • vicky
          10 years ago

          Liebe Geli,

          ich weiß nicht ob du aus AT oder DE bist, aber schau mal hier ein paar Infos für AT:

          “Waren, die zB in den USA, Asien oder Südafrika per Internet-Bestellung gekauft und importiert werden und einen Warenwert von über 22 Euro aufweisen, sind einfuhrumsatzsteuerpflichtig. Zoll muss zusätzlich ab einem Warenwert von 150 Euro entrichtet werden. Die Höhe der Zollabgaben richtet sich nach der Ware selbst, dem Wert und nach dem Ursprungsland der Ware.”

          Mehr findest du hier:

          xox Vicky

  • Natalie
    10 years ago

    Liebe Vicky,

    ja, du sagst es! Ich habe mich schon so oft beim Anprobieren geärgert, dass man den BH unter Tops oder Kleidern gesehen hat. Das führte dann dazu, dass ich das Kleid gar nicht erst gekauft habe. Daher vielen Dank für den tollen Tipp mit dem BH von Triumph. Werde ihn direkt mal ausprobieren.

    Liebe Grüße

  • Lisa
    10 years ago

    Hi Vicky,

    hast du das Kleid schon bestellt? Ich hab es mir bestellt und es fällt 1. viel größer aus – habe normal 36-38 aber die 36 war mir echt zu weit überall – 2. die Ärmel sind leider extrem riesig, nicht wie am Foto und am Model erkennbar sondern fallen ziemlich tief wenn man den arm hoch hebt und vorne ist es dann ganz eng. War nicht so meins, hab es zurück geschickt.

    LG Lisa

  • 10 years ago

    The dress, top, flats,.. I want it all!
    And number one is just a must have!
    You said you normally wear nothing underneath those dresses/tops, don’t you find it annoying? I mean, it’s not like you have really small boobs (this isn’t said in a bad way, just to be clear!) I think your breasts are bigger than mine and I already really don’t like it when I can’t wear a bra.. I just really like the support it gives me.
    If this question is too personal, I’m sorry, or if you don’t want to answer, I completely understand! (And I’m not suggesting that you need to answer with sizes or anything, at all!, let that be clear as well)
    xox Lyn

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The Standard

If you have ever found yourself researching hotels for New York City, chances are pretty high that you have come across, or heard of The Standard High Line Hotel.

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