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BITS & PIECES: about going m.i.a.

Needless to say, it’s been a bit quiet here on the blog since last week. It has been an incredibly busy week and I feel like the only time I have spent online is to try to catch up on emails some time in the middle of the night. Last Thursday Kathi and I took off to Graz to speak at the Fifteen Seconds festival. It was one of the most inspiring events I have ever been to and feel incredibly humbled by all the talented and creative people we got to meet. Not to mention share a stage with. After 2 days in Graz I headed home to see my parents for less than 24 hours. Even if it was just a short trip, it was so worth it to have the entire family sit down at dinner together! Next on the agenda was a ballet in Munich’s opera house on Sunday night, which was John Neumeier’s “Illusions – Like Swan Lake” from the life and tribulations of King Ludwig II and including the original 2nd act of Swan Lake. Since I had to be in Vienna at 6:30 am on Monday for work, we had to drive back home that same night and unfortunately that meant bedtime at 2:20 am and an alarm clock that went off at 6 am for a 14 hour day. But who needs sleep anyway, right? Today was day 2 of production for a super exciting new project that I am a part of and another 12 hours spent on set. Even though the past few days have been exhausting and I could probably use a bit of sleep right now, I am so grateful for all of these experiences! Crazy to think of all of the things I got to be a part of and enjoy just these last 7 days. Now I have 3 days in Vienna before heading to Berlin for the weekend and of course I am back to more regular posts for you guys!

Bikinis & Passports | Bits & Pieces

After months of behind-the-scenes work (our first meeting was back in December), I finally get to tell you guys that I am part of Selfie’s – a brand new influencer community to inspire you. There is so much exciting stuff coming your way and I can already tell you that we’ve been busy working on an app that will take things to the next level and give you guys even more amazing content.

Bikinis & Passports | Bits & Pieces

At the Fifteen Seconds festival we found the best ice cream in Graz: Sax! Nero (= dark chocolate), strawberry and greek yogurt were out of this world!

Bikinis & Passports | Bits & Pieces

Bikinis & Passports | Bits & Pieces

How to gain 5kg in 24 hours? Mom’s food ♥ Started our Sunday with waffles!

Bikinis & Passports | Bits & Pieces

Fun fact: The opera in Munich is just as stunning as the one in Vienna. Couldn’t get over this chandelier and took about 100 photos, only to realize it was too moody for my light and bright Instagram feed and I couldn’t post it. #firstworldproblemsdeluxe

Bikinis & Passports | Bits & Pieces

Back in Vienna my first stop is usually my favorite flower shop in town for some fresh blooms to brighten up the apartment. And it was also one of our shooting locations on Monday!

Bikinis & Passports | Bits & Pieces

Bikinis & Passports | Bits & Pieces

Went to my physio treatment last Monday and somehow tripped into the Chanel boutique and came home with slingback heels … does that ever happen to you?

Bikinis & Passports | Bits & Pieces: Shooting for Lena Hoschek

Bikinis & Passports | Bits & Pieces

Last but not least, who remembers the dilemma with this bag? Well, I ended up returning it and have to admit that while it is stunning beyond words, I don’t miss it one bit. The money is much better spent on more timeless pieces like my new slingbacks.


  • 8 years ago

    Das sind alles wirklich tolle Photos und der Artikel ist auch sehr sehr tolllll! 😀
    Awwwwwwww, ich liebe Waffeln und deine Mama ist ja soooooo nett, dass sie die fuer dich macht! 😀
    Haha, nein das ist mir wirklich noch nie passiert, dass ich zum Physio gehe und nach Hause mit einer Chanel Tasche komme! 😀
    Liebste Gruesse
    Sandra von

  • 8 years ago

    Sounds like you had an extremely busy week! I’m curious to hear more about your new app! I’m sure it’s going to be awesome. 😉

  • Jessy
    8 years ago

    Ich liebe deine BITS & PIECES Posts. Wieder sooooo tolle Bilder Vicky. Du bist einfach eine Schönheit. Manchmal ist es doch immer wieder schön nach Hause zu kommen, auch wenn es nur für 24h ist. Meine Mom verwöhnt mich dann auch immer. 😀

  • 8 years ago

    Oh ich liebe das SAX Eis auch. Nero ist definitiv die beste Wahl dort. So lecker! Und deine Woche hört sich ja wirklich stressig an. Aber im positiven Sinne. Ich verstehe das Konzept hinter BeSelfies noch nicht so ganz (aber vielleicht bin ich einfach nur doof^^) deshalb kann ich die App kaum erwarten. Vielleicht bekomme ich dann endlich Durchblick 😀

    Love, Kerstin

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      Hi Kerstin,

      wir dürfen zu Selfie’s noch nicht zuuuu viel verraten, weil es ein ganz neues und einzigartiges Konzept sein wird. Ich glaube das wird ein bisschen dauern bis man das ganze versteht. Aber ich kann dir jetzt schon verraten, dass die App nur ein Teil davon sein wird – es kommt noch soooo viel mehr!

      xox Vicky

  • 8 years ago

    Da bin ich aber gespannt, was da so Schönes auf uns zukommt 🙂

    Viele liebe Grüße!
    Ina •

  • 8 years ago

    Wow! Liebe Vicky, das hört sich ja nach einer wahnsinnig ereignisreichen Woche an!
    Diese Art von Blogposts mag ich fast am liebsten, auch wenn ich vieles schon neugierig auf deinem Snapchat verfolgt habe.
    Ich bin nach wie vor verliebt in die Tasche, aber ich kann dich voll verstehen, dass du sie doch zurückgeschickt hast.
    Auf dein neues Projekt bin ich schon sehr gespannt!

    Alles Liebe,

    Nina von

  • 8 years ago

    Super cute photos!
    || D I A N A ||

  • 8 years ago

    Die Chanel Schuhe sind sooo toll <3

    Liebste Grüße – Mai

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