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BEAUTY TALK: my favorite duty free buys.

BEAUTY TALK: my favorite duty free buys.

I feel like a broken record when I tell you guys about how much I love to travel. Not without reason is this blog called Bikinis & Passports. Seeing different parts of the world has always been a major source of inspiration and motivation for me. During college I waited tables at a café and saved up all year in order to go on a 4-week-long trip with my best friend. Through my job, I also get to travel a ton, and sometimes I find myself at an airport multiple times per week. While I used to hate the waiting game between flights, I have actually gotten to love it. First I grab a coffee, and then I am off to browse the duty free department – preferable World Duty Free, because they carry every single one of the brands I love (Bobbi Brown, Chanel, Smashbox,… it’s all there)!
While I was recently browsing for a few of my personal beauty must-haves in Düsseldorf, I thought it would be fun to share my favorite duty free buys with you guys! Especially now with Christmas coming up, some of you may need some last-minute gift ideas. Even though I usually just shop for myself, I’d say all of these would make pretty awesome gifts!

Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports

  • Chanel “Chance Eau Vive” Perfume: I don’t think I have ever bought a perfume at a regular beauty store. Cosmetics in general are much more expensive in Austria than in Germany (ie. Essie 10€ vs. 8€), and for perfumes duty free really makes a huge difference. It used to always be “Oh Lola!” by Marc Jacobs, but recently I switched to this new Chanel scent. The first bottle is about to run out, so #2 was purchased at the airport!
    Just for reference: It cost me 58,50€ at the brand new World Duty Free shop in Düsseldorf, and the regular price at Douglas in Vienna is 74,95€ – no joke!
  • L’Occitane Shea Butter Hand Lotion: This is the best lotion for dry hands! I absolutely love it! I purposely always buy the smaller packaging since they are easier to bring in your carry-on. Since I have a long flight to Vancouver coming up, I stocked up and got two tubes for 6,50€ each.
  • Moët Rosé Imperial Champagne: Last year, when Mike and I flew to Ibiza to celebrate his birthday and our 8-year anniversary, we felt like such nerds stocking up on champagne at the airport and bringing it back to the hotel. We knew we wanted to enjoy some bubbly on the balcony, but didn’t feel like paying more than double at the hotel. Pretty brilliant plan, right? It has sort of become a ritual since then, so better be safe than sorry. Now with holiday celebrations, it is also a great idea if you’re traveling somewhere and need a last-minute hostess gift!
  • Bobbi Brown Travel Brush Kit: Sometimes, duty free is extra amazing because it offers things that you usually can’t find elsewhere. When I spotted this Bobbi Brown travel brush kit, I simply couldn’t resist. No more having my beloved make-up brushes roam around my bag or accidentally fall out on the bathroom floor at the airport … Now I have miniature ones that save some valuable room in my carry-on and also look the part.
    By the way: I was super surprised to see that Bobbi Brown had an actual counter at the duty free store. They have a make-up artist there to help you shop, just like at the beauty stores, and they even freshen up your make-up for free.

What are your favorite things to shop at duty free? I’d love to know, simply leave a comment below!

Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports Beauty Talk: World Duty Free Shopping | Bikinis & Passports

*in friendly collaboration with World Duty Free

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  • 8 years ago

    Such a nice story about your fav. duty free buys! I espacially like the little anecdote around the champagne 🙂

    Best wishes and happy holidays ♥

  • 8 years ago

    Dein Post hat mich gerade daran erinnert, dass ich unbedingt noch Sekt kaufen will, bevor ich meine Freunde in Istanbul besuche.
    Ich verbringe auch gerne Zeit im Duty Free, weshalb ich es auch nicht ganz so schlimm finde, dass ich am Dienstag mehrere Stunden auf dem Flughafen in Rom verbringen werde. Leider sind aber nicht alle Flughäfen gut ausgestattet, was den Duty Free Bereich angeht. Hier in Boston z.B. ist der sehr klein und nicht wirklich einen Besuch wert.

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      Liebe Jana, das stimmt! Ich bin dann auch immer mega enttäuscht wenn es nicht wirklich was zum stöbern gibt 🙂 Das Konto freut sich allerdings …

      xox Vicky

  • 8 years ago

    Schöne Produkte sind das. Ich habe noch nie was im Duty Free Bereich gekauft (soweit ich mich erinnern kann), denn hier in Deutschland bei Müller kostet zB das chanel Parfum regulär soviel wie du gezahlt hast. Die Handcreme kostet hier auch regulär soviel. Beim Alkohol weiss ich nciht, ob und wieviel man sparen könnte. Das einzige was mich reizen würde sind die exklusiven Sets :).

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      Da seid ihr in Deutschland wirklich verwöhnt 🙂 Für uns sind die Produkte ca. 25% günstiger im Duty Free …vor allem bei Düften macht das einen mega Unterschied!

      xox Vicky

      • Finia
        8 years ago

        Och Mädels, ich als Schweizerin beneide euch. Bei uns kostet ein Essie Nagellack über 17€, von den restlichen Produkten spreche ich lieber gar nicht 😀 darum schlage ich immer zu, wenn ich in Österreich oder Deutschland bin 🙂
        Liebe Grüsse

  • 8 years ago

    Hey! Perfect timing. I was yesterday at Frankfurt airport and my shopping cart was full of very similar products! Great choice you made 😉

    Enjoy you sunday!


    • vicky
      8 years ago

      I imagine the duty free in Frankfurt must be amazing! I’ll be there for a layover in a week, so I’ll be sure to stop by as well 🙂

      xox Vicky

  • 8 years ago

    Ich liebe Flughäfen einfach und wenn die Umsteigezeit oder meine Ankuft bis zum Flug mal etwas kürzer ausfällt, ist es so enttäuschend. Denn auch wenn ich nicht immer was kaufe, so macht das stöbern doch fast am meisten Spaß 😀 🙂

    Liebe Grüße,
    Sonja von

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