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RECIPE: the vegan quinoa burger.

RECIPE: the vegan quinoa burger.

In my world, a healthy diet is all about balance. Generally speaking, I try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, stay away from sweets and white flour or sugar as much as possible and eat as unprocessed as possible. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t love an occasional burger, big bowl of pasta or ice cream. When our Sunday nights are all about that bolognese, I kick-off my Monday with a green smoothie and healthy oatmeal. But what if you could add a slightly healthier twist to one of those cheat meals? Sounds like a good deal, right? It is! Earlier this week, I had my one vegan day before heading to Dallas. I had just picked up a bag of Neni’s Quinoa-Trio at Interspar, which is so easy to cook and an amazing vegan base for any meal (I’m thinking lunch bowls, morning quinoa oatmeal or salads), and I decided to finally give vegan burgers a try. I actually ordered a vegan burger for lunch at the office a while, and was surprised by how much I liked it. Since homemade is always the better option, I started researching recipes and found this one, which I adapted to include quinoa instead of rice and a few other things. I mean, who has time to toast shredded walnuts these days? Long story short: The vegan quinoa burger turned out absolutely delicious and since I am not one to keep the good stuff to myself, here it is for you guys – just in time to kick-off the weekend!

Vegan Quinoa Burger Recipe | Bikinis & Passports

What you’ll need: (for about 4 patties)

  • 100gr. quinoa (cooked)
  • 1 can kidney beans (ca. 240gr, mashed)
  • 1/2 onion (sauteed) + bit of olive oil
  • spices: paprika, chilli, salt, pepper + brown sugar, 1 tsp each
  • 100gr. breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp vegan BBQ sauce

Start out by cooking the quinoa according to the instructions on the package. Mine took about 20 minutes. In the meantime, finely dice half an onion and sautee in a pan with a bit of olive oil until slightly golden brown. Then rinse the beans, pat dry and mash with a fork. Once the quinoa is cooked, combine all the ingredients with the spices and BBQ sauce in a bowl. Usually BBQ sauce should be vegan, just make sure it doesn’t include any honey. Kneed all the ingredients until a batter is formed. If it is too sticky, add more breadcrumbs, if it is too dry, add more BBQ sauce. Then, use your hands to form about 4-5 patties, depending on how big/small you want them. Grill the patties about 3-4 minutes per side in a pan. To stack the burgers, use ingredients as you usually would. I love mine with lettuce, tomatoes, red onion and avocado, aswell as some ketchup and dijon mustard. Enjoy!

Vegan Quinoa Burger Recipe | Bikinis & Passports Vegan Quinoa Burger Recipe | Bikinis & Passports Vegan Quinoa Burger Recipe | Bikinis & Passports Vegan Quinoa Burger Recipe | Bikinis & Passports Vegan Quinoa Burger Recipe | Bikinis & Passports Vegan Quinoa Burger Recipe | Bikinis & Passports

*in yummy collaboration with Interspar


  • 8 years ago

    Das schaut so gut aus! Weißt du, was das Coole daran ist? Ich hab genau diese Zutaten zuhause und könnte einfach mal nachkochen. Das Problem: Ich habe vor 30 Minuten Veggie-Burger bestellt (es gibt hier in Graz den ersten rein vegetarischen Lieferservice und der läuft nur über Facebook und Telefon, soll aber so super sein – total verrückt), aber für das nächste Mal merke ich mir das Rezept bestimmt, sieht nämlich so gut aus! Du hast aber auch ein absolutes Händchen für Food Styling. 🙂

    Viel Spaß noch in Dallas!


  • 8 years ago

    Danke für das tolle Rezept!
    Liebe Grüße

  • 8 years ago

    Woah…sehen die gut aus, Vicky!!! Danke für das super simple Rezept. Ich hab mich schon öfter in veganen Patties versucht, aber entweder sie hatten unfassbar viele Zutaten und waren mir viel zu aufwendig oder sie haben einfach nicht zusammen gehalten, weil das Ei gefehlt hat.
    Die werde ich am Wochenende probieren 🙂

    Sonnige Grüße,

    Nina von

  • 8 years ago

    Wie lecker! Burger esse ich immer gerne, warum nicht mal eine vegane Version ausprobieren;)?

    Liebe Grüße
    Luisa |

  • 8 years ago

    Wow das hört sich sehr gut an! Ich habe schon mal veggie Burgers gegessen und die waren echt lecker, aber selbstgemachte und noch vegan habe ich noch nie gemacht! Werde es bestimmt nachmachen!

    Rosie’s Life

  • 8 years ago

    Yummie! <3

    Liebe Grüße

  • Birgit
    8 years ago

    das klingt echt lecker, danke für das tolle rezept!

  • […] Dokumentationen wie z.B.  Forks over Knives geschaut habe, kam das Rezept der lieben Vicky von Bikinis & Passports genau richtig. Wir wollen sehr viel mehr vegane Rezepte in unseren Alltag integrieren und sind […]

  • 8 years ago

    Oh wow sieht das lecker aus! Wird definitiv nächste Woche selber ausprobiert 🙂 Danke dafür!

    Liebe Grüße,

  • […] today’s recipe I have teamed up with Interspar again, since they have really stepped up their game in terms of awesome vegan and vegetarian options. […]

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